About us

"In the age of digital business, we believe that being able to run your business securely should be a right for all and not an option reserved for the few."

Andrea Toponi - CEO of Cyberangels

The Digital Age for Entrepreneurs

We wanted to create a reliable and economically viable system for all companies (large, medium and small) to permanently avert cyber risks.

Our unique approach allows us to let entrepreneurs, freelancers and managers sleep soundly.

Our Mission

We were born to democratise access to solutions to protect business from cyber risk.

We want to enable every company to meet its challenges without worrying about cyber threats.

What they say about us

A collection of all that we do and say about us.


Cyberangels launches its Cyber Risk Assessment API service

Cyberangels launches Api service of its Cyber Risk Assessment

Cyberangels launches its Cyber Risk Assessment Api service Cyberangels, a cyber-insurtech start-up, has announced the launch of the Api service of its Cyber...
Victoria hub's growth does not stop, Cyberangels invests in retAlr.me

Vittoria hub's growth continues, Cyberangels invests in retAlr.me

Vittoria hub, the first Insurtech Incubator in Italy based on Open Innovation and born on the initiative of Vittoria Assicurazioni, announces the entry...
Cyberangels for Forbes

Cyberangels for Forbes

Cyberangels is a cyber-insurtech start-up to definitively solve the problem of corporate cyber protection. This does not only mean preventing...


B2Best Award - B2B Universe SuperPremium

B2Best Award - SuperPrize of the B2B Universe

The Jury of experts and professionals of the B2Best Award promoted by Anes, the National Association of Trade Publishers, concluded the...
20 Most Innovative Cyber Security Startups & Companies (Milan)

20 Most Innovative Cyber Security Startups & Companies (Milan)

This article showcases our top picks for the best Milan based Cyber Security companies. These startups and companies are taking...
Startups for SMEs: Poste Italiane in the field for innovation

Startups for SMEs: Poste Italiane in the field of innovation

The selection phase of the 'SME Insurtech - Call for Solutions' aimed at the elaboration of technological solutions and...


Cybersecurity and investment: Cyberangels and Backtowork's collaboration for informed investors

Cyber security and investment: Cyberangels and Backtowork's collaboration for informed investors

We are happy to announce the collaboration between Cyberangels, a company specialising in cybersecurity, and Backtowork, the platform dedicated to the world of...
Poste Italiane and Cyberangels: A Collaboration for Italy's Digital Future

Poste Italiane and Cyberangels: A Collaboration for Italy's Digital Future

The objective of the collaboration is to search for digital solutions to support the realisation of an insurance offer for small and medium-sized enterprises...
Cyberangels and Qonto: A Collaboration for a Safer Future

Cyberangels and Qonto: A Collaboration for a Safer Future

Cyberangels and Qonto announce a new partnership to provide greater online security for their users. The partnership includes the publication...


A Pathway to IT Insurance for Small Enterprises

A Pathway to IT Insurance for Small Enterprises

We are pleased to announce our interview with Charlene from Fismacs.Charlene with her extensive experience in the business...
Protect Yourself Against Cyber Attacks with Cyberangels

Protect yourself from cyber attacks with Cyberangels

Small and medium-sized enterprises are experiencing increasing challenges on a daily basis in the digital age and Andrea Toponi, CEO & Co-founder of Cyberangels,...
Cybersecurity for SMEs: The Cyberangels security model

Cybersecurity for SMEs: The Cyberangels security model

In an interview with Milano Finanza precisely from minute 9:00 to 15:20, Andrea Toponi, CEO of Cyberangels describes how security...

Cyberangels Roadmap

Our story from idea to reality.

Phase 1

Cyberangels will become more than an idea

Receipt of the first investment fund

01 January 2018

Milan, IT

Phase 1

Cyberangels will become more than an idea

Receipt of the first investment fund

01 January 2018

Milan, IT

Phase 1

Cyberangels will become more than an idea

Receipt of the first investment fund

01 January 2018

Milan, IT

Small to medium-sized enterprises that have suffered a cyber attack in the last 12 months
1 %
Economic damage of a cyber attack on a SME
1 K€
Of the time a company suffers a cyber attack is due to human error
1 %

Our Team

"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships'.

Andrea Toponi

CEO & founder

Federico Iacobucci

Head of Security

Alex Korzan

Software Engineer

Ludovico Emili

Head of communication

Advisor Board

Supported by the best specialists

Francesco Chiarini 

Cyber Security Advisor

Egita Polanska

Technology Advisor

Matteo Alvazzi Delfrate

Technology Advisor


Who supports and believes in the Cyberangles project

Contact us for more information

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